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Real Property Report Online

Buying a house overseas is the biggest investment most of us make, so it is important to get it right. Homes buyers need to remember that the sellers work for themselves, so they are likely to put as positive a light on a property as possible.

Friends and family are often keen to offer free advice, but spending money on professional advice before you buy may save you spending a lot more money un future fixing problems you didn´t khow about.

Knowing the right questions to ask and engaging expert advice will help you make a sound investment for you future – whether you´re buying a home to live in with you family or to rent to tenants.

Frequently asked questions

What is Real Property Report Online?

A Real Property Report is a legal document that clearly informs about a given property, informing about the land registry situation, knowing who is the current owner, the charges and encumbrances registered against the title of the subject property and if the vendor has a marketable title.

What will we do?

We will search the title of the subject property to inform you if it is a marketable title and who is currently the full owner.

We will search all pertinent encumbrances registered against the title of the subject property. This will warn you about the burdens and encumbrances and we will tell you if they are normal in this type of property.

We will search the description fo the subject property at the Cadastre land Registry (Tax registry), providing you with the information about the location, cadaster reference, surface, activities allowed, constructions details and cartography.

Benefits of a Real Property Report
  • Problems are identified and can be resolved before a sale is finalized.
  • Property transactions are simplified in a fast, simple and cheap manner.
How does a Real Property Report Online protect you?

Purchasing a property overseas may be the largest financial investment you ever make. With a Real Property Report purchasers are aware of any unkind experience.

How long is a Real Property Report Online valid?

The Real Property Report On Line is a “snapshot” of the property on the date of the survey. Changes on the title of a property usually come from banks, public administrations, tax office… Only an updated Real Property report can assure and grant you the needed confidence to know the legal aspects of a property.

How much does it cost?

A Real Property Report Online has a fixed fee, ONLY 500 € + VAT.