Regulated by RICS

RICS is the world’s leading professional body for qualifications and standards in land, property and construction.

As people, governments, banks and commercial organisations continue to demand more assurance of certified standards and ethics, attaining RICS status is the recognised mark of property professionalism.


  • Over 100 000 members operating out of 146 countries
  • Established in 1868
  • RICS members cover over 160 specialisms – from construction to valuation, from project management to waste management
  • Close co-operation with over 40 other national and international professional organisations around the globe
  • 34 000 students and 500 accredited university degree courses
  • 500 industry research and policy papers published every year
  • Global network of offices in the major and emerging economies of the world
  • Strong demand for RICS professional qualifications with over two-thirds of net membership growth coming from outside of the UK